


09-27-2014, 07:41 PM

The boy was glad that his guess had been right. He would have felt quite silly if it hadn?t been a skunk. Not only did he get the answer right, but he also got the name of the girl?s companion as well. Pluto. Her voice too was soft, and F?li couldn?t help but wonder how it was for her, not being able to see. At least she had a kind companion to try and help her get around. A good friend, certainly. But it seemed that the other member of Ludicael was getting a bit frustrated. He honestly felt bad he couldn?t do more for her... Or even grant her sight. But that miracle was something only the gods could do.

F?licien would gently smile as she would give her own name, giving a light chuckle. ?It?s really quite alright, no need to worry about it. Enola is a nice name. It rolls off the tongue.? The boy wasn?t hitting on the she-wolf or anything, just being nice. He would glance around again, sniffing the air. ?Faolan... Is one of the healers in training, right?? F?licien had an idea of who the other was, but wanted to make sure. Then, catching some movement off to their left in the grasses he would pause, ears pricked to make sure that if it wasn?t Pluto whatever it was wasn?t a threat.