
Thrown Back and Forth


09-27-2014, 07:44 PM

The female would take her own turn to gnaw at some meat, as well as the bone underneath, as Deviant answered her question. Willows... Willows... She began to think where she had seen such trees. They had low hanging branches that seemed to shroud the tree and those underneath in a veil. She believed she recalled being to the Whistling Willows once or twice, and would give a small, thoughtful nod as she chewed. She would just finish lick her lips as he made the comment that even he had fun going through the curtains of leaves and a small laugh would leave her.

?Well even wolves our age need to have fun once in a while after all.? Her gaze would become a little sad at the thought of children, however, and Destruction would look out across the lake, quiet for a long moment. ?I can?t help but wonder if my son would have enjoyed it there. Places like that... That are so good for kids... Remind me of him.? Her voice was quiet. She missed Dillinger so. But luckily he turned the question around, and Destruction would turn her gaze back to Deviant, giving a smile.

?Well, we stay on The Range. There are some odd shaped things there, made of wood and metal. There are also different kinds of prey there I haven?t seen other places. Chicken is one, for example. Their eggs are also not too bad. It?s a rather quiet area... Holding many memories... Where the turning points in my life seem to hit their peaks. It?s a rather peculiar place... But in a good way.?[/color] The femme would grin. ?...and I know the lay of the land there like the back of my paw. After all, that was where I was one an alphess.?