
The Third Wheel


09-27-2014, 07:58 PM

Such a strange woman she was. She had caught him, got the end of his tail and bit in, but not really enough to cause him serious harm. His heart raced, bi-colored eyes watching her warily as he waited. He expected her to lunge at him, tear him apart, to break every bone in his body. Perhaps over the top, but Biull had reason to fear such things. The scars over his one eye told of cruelty in his past after all. The female had already snapped at him... Who was to say she wouldn?t do it again?

But then... She was leaving him alone? Biull would wait, rather stiff, until she moved away from him. He followed her with his gaze, absolutely silent, until she was gone from sight. He would let out a breath he hadn?t realized he?d been holding, his chest aching from the effort. He would shudder, slowly turning to the plank again. With watchful eyes, trying to catch sight of the female in case she tried to double back around, the young male would flee the area.

-Exit Biull-

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