
It's Time To Begin, Isn't It?



5 Years
09-27-2014, 08:03 PM

Raisa's ears rung as if a bell had been struck within her skull. She could not seem to hear, to make sense of anything at all. She drew in a shuddering, if silent, breath. Korrin's words did not breach her, bi-colored gaze locked on her daughter and mindful of nothing else. Svetlana, Svetlana, Sweet svet, my baby girl... Her thoughts ran as if on loop. Why could she not move, why could she not simply step up and embrace the yearling? She was so young, and to have been abandoned, what sort of monster could do a thing like that? The silence would stretch within an enternity, broken only by Svetlana. Her words, so hushed and pained, struck Raisa as if they were a lance through the chest. "Don't you love us?" Raisa's legs felt like rotten ice, ready to cave and crumble. "Why do you keep leaving and coming back!?" The Queen's vision would tunnel, darkness encroaching at the sides. She wondered if she would faint, and if she did whether or not she would wake up again.

From what she had heard of death, she could very well be on her way to hell. Her body ached and pounded, worn thin by the strain of existing within her full faculties once more. Her daughter's appearance, the sustenance of her presence, burned away at the madness within her mind. This was what she had been missing, this was her purpose, her reason to be alive. She had to make amends. The woman rushed forward, a choked sob croaking through her lips, mangled by vocal chords that must have been strained somewhere in the foggy past. But the horror and fear and utter repentance was still there. Her tangerine and aquamarine eyes were overflowing with tears and she bounded forward, heedless that her approach might provoke and attack. She wanted only to press her body into that of the younger woman's, to kiss her cheeks and the tips of her ears and beg her forgiveness in the only manner she had left to her. Please, she pleaded within the wretched sanctity of her mind. Please...

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!