
Dancing With Cinderella


09-27-2014, 08:04 PM

The brute would give a soft chuckle at his daughter?s inquiries, the smile he wore tugging at the corners of his mouth. How beautiful, young, and innocence she was. He would walk carefully beside her, reaching out to catch her whenever she stumbled, just as his own mother had done for him. He had been close to her, Annette, and wondered too if he might see some of her traits pop up in his son, Naoise, who bore quite the likeness to her. But he focused now on his little girl, watching her walk, making sure to get the memory engraved in his mind. He wanted to remember these days forever.

?This tree,? Kar would say, speaking the words gently, letting them linger on his tongue. ?Has a certain twist of roots that points to a special place. A secret hideout... But you have to follow the roots direction to the next clue, than that clue to the hideout to get there. The fruit it bears is also very sweet, just like you.? He would look up, gaze fallen on the one in particular he was looking for. On the ground were green apples, as well as still hanging on the tree as well.

?That?s the one there. Make sure you take a good look at the trees around it... So you can remember.?

Speech, Thought