
Destiny (Secretua Only)

Eirik I


3 Years
09-27-2014, 09:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Eirik was still trying to fit into his role as a Guard of Secretua, and felt strongly that it was a bad fit. He had no training as a fighter, though he was large he was not one to throw his weight around, and despite being completely capable of fulfilling the role if he put his mind to it the fact of the matter was he was still overall lazy. There seemed to be a lot to go along with the rank, so much that he needed to do just to live up to its expectations, and while most days it seemed to put him off from even trying today he was almost ready to step up to the challenge.

There was really no one to spar against - save his father and he was not even going to entertain that thought yet - but there was nothing stopping him from doing other things to train. Running was a start. It was not one of his most favorite of pastimes, and he was far from being the fastest, but it was work and work would keep him in shape. So he had started off at the border where the Gulley met the Prairie and had wound some odd sort of pattern through the large, forested dip in the ground, hoping the unpredictable terrain might somehow make his self-directed training that much more effective.

It worked, only better than he had expected it to, and barely halfway through the regimen he had designated for himself Eirik was ready to call it quits. His black-dipped legs moved increasingly more sluggishly with each step, his jaws parted to allow him to pant openly, and by some odd, sheer force of will did he push himself to go just a little further. Luckily for him, that last little bit ended up leading straight to where his cousin was stretched out upon the ground, looking either to be resting or fully asleep.

Without an invitation, Eirik stepped up to plop down on the ground beside the spotted youth, still breathing heavily from his exercise. "Hey Amar," he greeted the boy amiably, his words rushed as he was still winded, "What's up?"

OOC: I couldn't help myself, I like these two together.