
Weeding the crops


09-27-2014, 10:03 PM

Albatross and Altavro spent all of their time together. Sometimes it was hard to remember that she was actually in a group pack and not off in their own world with herbs and soft smiles and love. Her world had calmed down utterly since they had started this life together, each day she felt more and more like a normal wolf with Altavro's gentle paw guiding her to sanity. She still had moments, short and fleeting as they where to remind her of her past and her troubled mind, but she barely remembered them and glided on through her happy life with Altavro.

Even the storm seemed inconsequential and she spent some of her days curled up in his warm coat and passing away the time beside him. At other times the pair would go over herbs and she would learn from him and sort through them until she remembered them by scent and sight. She still had a lot to learn about healing and had no practical work done with them yet ? it seemed the wolves of Solstice didn't injure themselves nearly often enough. She would rise when the Alpha's called, and sticking with Altavro would make her way through the cave until they stood before them. She smiled at her boy as she sat, before shifting her attention to their alphas.
