
A Hundred Treads


05-16-2013, 08:42 PM
Zayne filled his lungs deeply. Still no new scent. He took a glance behind him. A few stumps back he saw a battle taking place in the distance, with a wolf standing by watching. He had quickly trotted away from there, and was making sure no one came up behind him since. He quickened his pace again as he leaped over a fallen log. To his surprise a small bush was just over the side growing out of the old tree. Already in midair, he quickly tucked his hind legs closer to his belly to adjust for the extra space. As it was, he cleared all but the far corner of the bush. It scraped against his rear right paw briefly as he landed.

He made sure he was several paces away from the log before he twisted back to look at his hindquarters. Just a small scratch remained on the outer layer of skin. Hardly a wound. But just in case the young wolf swiveled his ears in all directions and delicately sniffed the surrounding air. Who knew what wolves had a sense of smell for a drop of blood. They might make a snack of him (oh he was a funny one wasn't he). After scenting no one, he snorted at himself and continued on. He was merely over reacting. A small scratch wouldn't summon-

The wind suddenly blew straight into his muzzle. He had enough time to smell another wolves scent on the breeze just before a voice broke into his inner musings. It took all of his strength not to jump- instead his hackles raised briefly in surprise as he rotated his head towards where the voice came from. And instantly his hackles lowered as his head sunk down, his tail tucked halfway between his legs.

Before him was one large wolf. Female, but large. Zayne slowly loosened his stiff muscles.The tone of the voice wasn't threatening- actually it was a gentle tone. His startled brain scattered to remember what she had said. A-ah. What brought him.

Zayne licked his muzzle briefly before replying. "Hello ma'm. I'm here to.. find a home. I'm searching for a pack to call my own."
