
curiosity (SECRETUA)

Rune I


5 Years
09-27-2014, 10:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

There had been a slight lull in the rains this day, and though it should have been a wonderful occurrence it was only a minor relief. There had been so much of it the days before that the grounds within and around the Gulley were muddy and slick, dangerous and deceptive, and just as Rune had guessed the lower sections of the Gulley had filled with rainwater. Thankfully no one had gotten caught in any of these locations, the lot of the pack smart enough to keep well enough away, but it still limited their movements through the whole of the place.

And it was exactly that which caused the grey, blue-eyed wolf to arrive later than he had intended there upon the border of the Gulley, frowning and grumbling to himself. He had been searching the Gulley again, looking for any new portions of the richly forested locale that were either cut off or completely flooded in, when the call had interrupted him from his work. He had been irked enough to note that it was not the call of a loner seeking shelter let alone when the path he had been cutting through the vegetation was suddenly cut off by a newly risen waterway that he had needed to find another way around. As he finally drew himself over the lip of Gulley and out upon its edge he muttered something to himself about being done with these storms and their damnable rains.

Surely he looked like a bit of a mess, his fur more or less dry but windswept and unruly. His black paws appeared almost more brown with mud that clung to them from his climb out of the Gulley, and though it was still summer he felt unseasonably cold considering all the winds that had accompanied the rain these past weeks. And now here he was, in his summer storm best, entertaining visitors. Naturally he frowned as he came to stop before the masked woman, his nose cautiously drawing in her scent and noting with unapparent happiness that it had nothing to do with Solstice and the red woman who had visited him previously. But there was still something distinctly pack-like to her scent that made him wonder...

"You're not here looking for a home," he stated simply, bluntly, having long ago ruled out the notion the moment he had heard her call. No, she must have been here for something else, and though he did not ask outright he hoped she would take his statement as a means for her to explain her business and get things rolling.