
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]



1 Year
09-28-2014, 09:59 AM

His expression grave, Nemesis lay with his head on his paws as he stared blankly out over the valley. The events of the challenge weighed heavily on his mind. He'd been caught up in the moment amid a whirlwind of high emotions and while he stood by his opinion in regards to his crippled cousin, the young Olympian regretted the harshness of his words. It hadn't been the time to voice his opinion and with all that had gone on, he doubted his aunt thought highly of him now.

Presently there wasn't much to done about it, so when the call rang out for a hunt (in a tone that suggested his presence was unquestionably required) the boy slowly got up to answer it. He shook out his coat and stretched, wrestling a reluctance that pushed him to procrastinate. All kinds of awkward awaited him, if not from the caller then possibly from his siblings, who'd witnessed his actions. At some point he would need to speak with them.

Mild trepidation settled in his chest as the caller came into view. Nemesis recognized her from the battlefield but that was it. He'd been too preoccupied with other things to pay much attention to the non-Olympus wolves who came to spectate. The boy regarded her silently before approaching slowly. He was at a loss at what to make of her and knowing nothing about her except that she'd sided with the challenger made him a bit uneasy, so he stopped a short distance away to await the arrival of his siblings. Their presence would hopefully prove comforting in this land that no longer felt quite like home.

"Speaking" Thinking