
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
09-28-2014, 11:12 AM

Andromeda had been torn. With her siblings remaining behind in Yfir yet the rest of the family to be pushed aside by Katja the gilded Olympus girl simply wasn't fully sure what to do with herself. The family was split, and not only that they had been left amongst others that had attacked her great aunt. The reasons behind everything were rather lost to her, all she knew was that this was overall a situation that she was not keen on to say the least.

Nemesis had isolated himself, Gaia had continued to spend much of her time with Solo and Andromeda had no idea what she herself was doing let alone what Hephaestus was getting up to. Katja hadn't harmed them in anyway, though their blood meant little to her they were not her prisoners but members of Yfir instead. Truthfully she wasn't entirely sure which she preferred, the latter and reality was a little confusing all things considered.

As members they were expected to attend pack events, even as prisoners she suspected they would need to attend some gatherings though this call is seemed for what ever reason was aimed specifically towards herself and her litter mates. Begrudgingly she would cross the lands, curious if nothing else. As she caught Gaia's scent, her pace would increase slightly and upon arrival she would find two of her siblings already present.

The silver girl had seated herself away from Nemesis and so as not to choose between them, Andromeda would position herself between the pair though she longed to greet both and the three of them sit together. Solo she supposed would be along soon enough though she Andromeda wouldn't make such assumptions remaining where she was as she silently seated herself.

image by lunarcat7