
Coming Home



09-28-2014, 11:56 AM

Pups grew so fast, already her very own come to the age of nearly six months. Their lives would soon be tested by the world as they would start to learn to hunt and interact with strangers. The personalities would shape and mold based off of experience. She wasn't sure she was ready for her babies to go through that, to watch them grow. Couldn't they stay as her little pups forever? Already concern flared up for Ardal and Shikoba, both seeming to be going through their own mental self challenges. Shikoba still had yet to open up and she wondered if her daughter ever would. But she was smart and took a keen interest in healing. Ardal seemed to be having trouble finding himself and all she could do is be there for him, encouraging every step he took. No matter what he was her pup and she would love him till the end of time. Thankfully the two had their brother Laoch. He seemed to b their lifeline, to strong one, a leader for the other two. He made her proud with how well he looked after his siblings. And she could not help but be reminded of Cormalin, their deceased grandfather. She wished he had been able to see his grandchildren bfore his time was up. But surely he was watching over them.

The pups were out exploring and playing while she laid outside the den, close by Surreal had her own den. It was wonderful to have family surrounding them once again, even if it was not everyone. Amia was safe and sound and seemed to find someone she could trust, always being found near Castiel's side. She was happy for the young girl, she needing someone like the white male to look after her and befriend. She would smile to herself, sky blue eyes closed as she embraced the feeling of so much good and love that surrounded their group. She would have dosed off if a howl had not sounded nearby. Head lifted as she looked up, blinking with confusion for a moment. It would only take a few heartbeats for her to realize who had arrived and asked for them. Ash had returned and found them. Getting up she saw Shikoba darting over to her, ear back and tail tucked in. She nuzzled her daughter to reassure her all was safe. It never took much to frighten the girl,Momma, who is it? The white pup would whisper up to her.An old friend that used to live in the pack I once belong to. Lets go greet our old friend and family member. She replied before setting off to the direction Ash awaited.

The walk was short and Imena would emerge with tail wagging happily, a smile on her lips and a white pup hiding behind her back legs. Even though Shikoba was six months she was still so tiny and could easily hide behind any adult. Ashtoreth, im glade to see your safe and well. Its been to long my friend. She would greet warmly, her eyes scanning over the other women and her pups. Those had to be Leon's children but where was he?
