
�ingvellir (YFIR)

Katja the First


8 Years
09-28-2014, 02:00 PM

Already it was time to add to the lands she had taken from Olympus. The plains known as the Dancefloor of the Gods made for better-than-decent hunting but it left much to be desired as far as shelter. She'd considered expanding back into the other land Olympus had claimed, the valley known as Emerald, but though it was lush and rich in bounty it provided just as little shelter as the Dancefloor. Many of the other lands surrounding them were hostile and inimical to wolves as well as also providing little shelter. There was a grove of willows that had tempted her, but a small group of rogues sheltered there and it wasn't worth driving them out.

But this... a natural canyon carved from a long-dead river, full of natural caves to provide a shelter that would remain comfortable no matter what the outside weather. That was what the pack would need coming into winter.

The silver-ticked pelt of the alpha rippled as she threw back her head and sang out, simultaneously laying claim to this canyon and the land surrounding it, and calling together her pack and any interested rogues in the area for a meeting. She doubted the Olympus kids would be interested in joining them for a meeting, but the request included them. She would need to know what they were interested in training in, if anything, as well as relaying the agreement she had recently come to concerning them, and she would need to inform them of the new boundaries of the territory they were allowed to roam. Her sharp mind, always at work, ticked over and over the things she would need to cover at this, their first ?ing.

OOC: Mandatory meeting for all Yfir members - though I'll understand if IC the Olympus kiddos don't want to show up I'll still need a post saying that they're not showing up. This is the seasonal thing (?ing being the old Norse word for it) that the rules talk about so it may be a slightly longer meeting than usual and I won't require second posts unless your character was specifically asked something or they have something to bring up. Deadline is Friday October 3rd at noon Ala time