
The stronger survive



5 Years
Extra large
09-28-2014, 03:34 PM

After his brother left, Laufey took up wandering in solitude. Valhalla was the closest thing he had to a home and for a time he visited often, until one day, after weeks of traveling, he came back to find it gone. With his one anchor severed, the boy's wanderings had taken him farther and farther. Eventually he found Esti and the two stayed together for awhile, but then she too disappeared. He got used to being alone.

The young titan had once more found himself being integrated into pack life. This time seemed a touch more permanent, though. For starters, he was an actual member this time. Daegmar was a scary new addition, but her teaching was sound and Laufey found that he was having little trouble adjusting to her hellfire ways. The guidance he so desperately lacked was finally being given the opportunity to take root in his life. For once he had a purpose and while Yfir didn't feel quite like home yet, he was confident that only time stood between him and that feeling.

Still, it felt nice to step back from the pack for a bit, to wander once more. He had every intention of going back, but traveling had gotten into his blood. Perhaps Lady Katja would find a purpose in his tendencies and put him to work in a way that used them.

Orochi. His presence was sudden and startling, causing the boy to freeze in place as his mind struggled to make sense of the ghost before him. He huffed, drawing in long drafts of the apparition's scent to confirm his identity. The familiar scent washed over him, immediately sparking fond puppyhood memories of the boy. He couldn't believe his eyes and so it was with spooks in mind that he questioned the wolf in the language he'd learned from his mother. The language, used only in his puppyhood, fell from his lips with difficulty. "Rethorb? Uoy yllaer taht si?" If he was who Laufey thought him to be, he would have no trouble answering.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.