
Hold on to Me



10 Years
09-28-2014, 04:03 PM

The unshakable urge to tell Novel what she had suddenly realized was heavy on her heart, but she knew it was not the time. Perhaps it might be a confession best kept to herself, as confused as she was already; time might only worsen it. A very slight smile would touch her lips as she nuzzled into her, happy to continue the contact between them so long as she felt Novel relax at her touch. "Of course I would," she admitted in slight disbelief. Why would she stop now? Ara knew how to help care for children -- even if mostly from watching, and not experience -- and she was already practicing with Steel, her youngest brother. Even if it would be difficult, she knew it took more than a set of parents to raise a child, and this one only had Novel. It was best when children were raised by an entire family, and Ara knew she could assist in that in some way, even if she was not family by blood.

"Just accept it," she told her, soft voice laced with something akin to playfulness. There was no need for tears now -- there had been far too many in the last season. Gently she would nudge Novel's neck, pushing her face away from her own neck to lap at the tears on her cheeks. "You can't get rid of me that easily." The idea of losing Novel was a painful one, and something she hadn't begun to consider yet. Perhaps that was the best reason to keep her private realization to herself for now.