
Wherever you may be I will find thee


09-28-2014, 06:55 PM

Oh it was very important indeed. Not that Isi would reveal quite how much it meant to her of course, for she suspected her life may well depend upon it. She had, amongst others witnessed the death, no murder, of another wolf at the hands of Katja. So she was actually mistaken, had completely misunderstood the entire situation though she still expected that she would be next upon the crazy Vikings to-kill list especially given the fact that she had completely jumped overboard in order to avoid said-death. Yeah, really was a wise idea not to reveal all of that manic details to Rurik, wrong or not.

As for Vaughan she hoped that he would be able to cure Raisa or at least come up with a far better way of healing her if he couldn't do it personally. She was relying heavily upon his history with the former Queen, his experience and far more intelligent solutions to do at least some good and then she had it all worked out. "Well if she's all better she can go take Ebony back and all will be ok." The girl declared simply as if it were the most obvious and easy solution in the world. Of course life may not always run quite so smoothly though she was counting upon it being ok this time, certainly praying that there would be nothing to muck it all up.

"Worst case scenario... I ain't got one." The girl declared with only a small pause for thought. Nope, she had absolutely no idea what she would or could do if Raisa didn't regain her marbles, hop back on her trolley and go marching back to Ebony to reclaim what was rightfully hers. "Guess I just keep going." Keep trying to find a cure, keep staying out of Katja's way and in general, just keep living.