
The Rains of Today



09-28-2014, 09:06 PM

Charm would make no more mention of the dangerous situation she?d almost found herself in. So Guinevere would accept her playfulness and trust that the girl would heed her words and stay inside until the time was right. She wouldn?t have her thoughts linger on the dangers for long, the sound of approaching foot steps would cause her features to turn towards the den entrance as Dhiren?s form took shape on their door step. Charmeine would also notice the sudden presence and her little form would go flying towards the dark male. Though she and Dhiren were still working on their relationship she couldn?t help the warmth that would spread in her chest as her tiny daughter raced up to his form, proclaiming his title of ?daddy? proudly. Guinevere was unsure how the Destruction man took such a name, but she hoped he too felt the love she did for the tiny grey masked girl.
After an exuberant greeting the girl would beg for the alpha to take her outside for a game. She knew how boring the den was to her, and though Guinevere would try to help by playing with her she found it difficult. Much of her own innocence had been stripped from her and play had become more difficult since the meeting with Charm?s father. Her bright eyes would try to meet with Dhiren?s how would he take the girl wanting to go out into the dangerous storms?
