
I love you when you're singing that song



09-28-2014, 09:18 PM

The storm had been nothing but hell for the woman. When the rain started she had been out collecting more herbs and planning the lesson in the future for the pack. Such things needed good planning, specially when she believed she was not a good teacher. She'd rather show someone than talk about healing. To her it was best that way. To see exactly how the used which herbs, the dosage and the affects the plants took to the body. Atlas was with her and both had been debating how the first lesson for Threar in healing shall go when the weather took a more dangerous note. Both had been outside of the packlands in hopes of hiding plants not growing in Threar lands. That had been successful but now they had to get back to the pack. The trek had been slow going, both wolf and owl carrying a delicate bundle of herbs. Things might have been okay if the winds had not been so fierce. Atlas was fighting as best he could but growing weaker by the moment. Symphony's bad leg was cramped up to the point it hurt her too much to put weight on it. Next thing she knew was she was watching her best friend being whipped up and tossed around in the wind, crashing into trees till he landed with a wet thud.

Panic seized her for a moment as she stared in horror at the still form of her friend. Quickly it washed away as his chest raised in a ragged breath and she hobbled over to him. The angle in which he landed, she knew it was bad. His right wing laid under him in an unnatural sharp twist. No doubt his wing was broken. Her heart broke for him, Atlas loved nothing more than being free in the sky, his domain. Using the most tender care she wrapped his wing to his body using the long blades of reeds. Now they just had to figure out how to carry him safely and their gathered herbs, both too stubborn to lose them. If he rode on her back they risked him losing balance and falling over specially with her uneven gait. So that wasn't a choice. All her mind could plan was her carrying him in her jaws. Simple enough but then there was the two bundles. Atlas couldn't carry them in his talons, he was too faint to focus. With a idea she wrapped the bundles to his body before picking him up.

First she went to the medical den, hoping to find someone like Sorrel and at least safety to treat Atlas properly. But her den was gone, completely flooded out. Dread washed over her much like the water had washed out the den. She prayed her family was safe in the main den. Limping her way there she was greeted with much of the same image as the medical den. Were her pups and Gitan still alive? Were they somewhere safe at least? Brows creased as a whine fell from her lips, maybe Novella's den. Again there was no one there. The most have left the pack lands for somewhere safe to shelter.

It was pure luck the woman had picked the right direction to go south, away from the storm. Her body was drenched with cold water, her leg unable to be used and an owl hung limp in her soft grip. Call it instincts of a wolf having some unexplainable connection to its pack of pups, but she knew she had to go this way. Her pace was slow, paws dragging but the next thing she saw was Cerise sitting there and Feli stepping out of the shrine. For a moment she had to blink a few times to make sure she was seeing correctly. Yes two of her three pups were here at least. Perhaps Gitan and Sorrel were inside. She skipped forwards lightly, remembering Atlas was still in her jaws. Gently she would lay Atlas down before nuzzling Feli and Cerise."Please tell me everyone is here, Sorrel, your father? The pack?" She asked softly. It was then Atlas woke up, rolling to his clawed feet and chirping."They better be, I don't wanna break another wing mind you. That there wind is not forgiving!"[I] He added as he inspected the oddly wrapped mess on his body, still holding the herbs they gather. [I]"Well i'll be your starting to turn into a weaver bird Sym!" Though he joked his face was contorted in pain.
