
The stronger survive



5 Years
Extra large
09-29-2014, 12:01 AM

Orochi unleashed a flood of information upon him and Laufey was momentarily struck dumb by what all he had to say. All he could do was shake his head, not in disbelief, but in amazement. Their mother had been killed, a fact that should have sent him reeling but didn't. The young titan was saddened by this knowledge, but he'd gone so long without seeing her that it was like she had died long ago. He was sad that the option of seeing her again was gone, but the thought had turned into a fantasy while he was still quite small; the hope of an actual reunion dying long before the wolf.

For a moment his eyes would close as his brother once more tried to sway him. It was tempting. He wanted to be with Orochi again, for it to be like it had been when they were small, just the two of them against the world. But...he recognized that they weren't children anymore. Those days had been hard and he'd learned much from them, but he was evolving, ever changing and bettering himself. He wished to graduate to an adult relationship with his brother; to have differences and separate lives, to be thriving individuals, not children facing off with the world. The distance between them shouldn't weaken their relationship any. They should both be free to do as they wanted; nothing could ever change the blood between them.

The boy opened his eyes and fixed them on his brother. "I don't want to fight you, Orochi. If neither of us want to leave the lives we've built, why should one of us have to give it up for the other? Why can't we stay where we are? We can still visit." Was that not reasonable? "I'd like to hear more about mother, though. And this pack with Vahva's relatives." Maybe he could visit this pack? Vahva had played a huge role in his life, taking care of him after his mother had left. It would be interesting to meet her family.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.