
Jian and Lel Leone



6 Years
09-29-2014, 12:04 AM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2014, 03:30 AM by Caeto.)


Zola or Valentina, you pick I'm just using Zola because it's shorter xD




35 inches


(Using the second design)

Zola is a large wolf, slim and agile. She stands at 35 inches and weighs 124 pounds. She is a little underweight than she should be, but not so much to look unnatural. She is very thin and feminine, making her easy on the eyes.

Zola is a greyscaled color. Being her base color, she is mostly white all over her body. She has a long stripe of a medium grey that covers part of the top of her skull and goes all the way down her back to the tip of her tail. Her ears are also covered by the same grey. All of her coloring comes from both her parents, them being siblings. Her eyes are a dark amethyst, shinning greatly off her pelt.

Zola uses a lot of body language and touch. She tends to rub up against other with her body and her tail in attempt to seduce them.


(will be written like my other profiles)

(I'm cool with brother x sister love / incest if another sibling is up for it)

As a pup, Zola is extremely quiet. She shows a normal amount of energy to want to play, but it is very rare that she even says hello. She is neither sweet or evil, but goes with whatever is happening around her.

When Zola grows up, she becomes and evil mastermind that manipulates everyone she sees fit. She is a very well "female Casanova" and wants it all from everyone. She is very good at seducing, and gets just about whoever she wants. She has no mind to have her own children, but would most likely drop them cliffside if she had any. Especially accidents because that's all they will ever be. Zola may seem a little crazy if you catch her. She talks to herself too often, but only when no one is around. It might look like she is possessed by the way she talks and acts, her evil laughter not really being her and her voice may change. Her actions might be a little frightening too (twitching, eye rolling) but only if you can catch her doing so.

RP sample:

The air was cooling, summer was going over but it would soon be too cold for the beautiful woman. She hated the cold, and would try to escape her family in hopes to make it out west in order to keep some of that warmth. But she was too scared to be alone, but too scared to admit it.

"Wh-why don't you just leave, nothing cannn happen to you."

But to get her mind off everything, she would raise her nose to the scent of a male in the area. As a grin would set to her maw, she would raise off her hackles and approach the unknown scent to her.

She would watch the brute from afar, he looked innocent enough. He wasn't too too bad looking and it was all enough to set Zola off. She would come from the bushes and gently wave her body around as she approached the boy. "Hey honeybee, what're ya doin way out here in the dangerous world. She was close enough to stop by the end of her voice, she would pull in her chin and bat her eyelashes giving him her usual seductive grin. And her last attempt? Her paw would stretch out to his, but only stopped inches away, but made sure she kept his gaze.