
The stronger survive



09-29-2014, 12:20 AM

His lips curled as Laufey spoke, his reality was far too impending for Orochi. If he didn't know that his blood was safe, what was he supposed to do? Laufey had lived sheltered, far too sheltered to understand the struggles of every day life. He went off and played, while Orochi trained, he broke bones, nearly lost his life multiple times before he had to watch the horrors around him unfold. Laufey didn't want to know what happened with mother, more about her. She was crazy, insane, bat shit crazy, and he had been passed on like that for some time. His connection with her had been strange, and his world was a lot darker than since he had come into it. Who...who had brainwashed his brother and taken him away? If only he had been here, taken Laufey with him, then he would have been able to monitor him better. His body felt like the boy, was utterly his until convinced otherwise that he could defend himself in this dark world.
A soft growl would leave his throat, as he tried to think. He didn't want to upset his brother. Yet deep down he really wanted to just attack him now and take him away. But that would only show immature he was, a child but an adult by mind because he was forced to be that way. He pulled back on himself, stretching his lean muscles as he watched Laufey carefully. He looked like he was doing well, but the others around him, how did he know they would not turn around and bite him in the ass. How would he react, so inexperienced because Orochi had no clue what his brothers skills were. And he refused to fight which was their nature as wolves? He didn't understand at all.
"Fine, but if you end up dead I'll tear the hearts out of every single wolf who didn't help you get stronger. This isn't a pretty world don't want to think it'll all get better. It gets worse, and if you don't have the strength to survive, you die. What makes you think that Isokan isn't more capable of protecting you and teaching you the skills you need?" he snorted mildly. Shaking his head, Laufey just didn't understand and it frustrated him. "You don't want to hear more about mother. And as for visiting, you'd have to take it up with the alpha Quelt Walker." Orochi's tail flicked in annoyance. He really did want to be with his brother, and there didn't seem to be a way to convince him. Orochi was resiting the urge to flat out attack him to stay out of trouble. But since he was young, he assumed once he was in his brothers pack, he would have to start from the bottom. It didn't sit right with him, so he had to weigh his due's.
"Fine you know what, if you trust them that much I'll go. Only I can judge for myself if you'll be okay there. You don't know the horrors I've seen brother. My heart carries no compassion for the weak and useless unless it is you. If I have to be seen as lower until I am older and even more experienced so be it." Orochi's hackles raised as he dug his nails into the dirt. It pissed him off, it pissed him off a lot. Now he realized his mistake of leaving his brother here. Laufey was his, his to protect to have to hold. His full blood brother, the last living thing that had a running blood relation to him. Unless.....he found his father. In her dying breaths she had spoken his name, of the male that she had kept a secret from them all. He lowered his hackles, "I'll return with the out most loyalty to this pack you hold so dear, and we can talk then." he turned his body around and headed back to his old home.
-exit Orochi unless stopped-
