
Coming Home



09-29-2014, 02:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Nearly a year and still no closer to growing past her mother's height, the deep grey pup trailed obediently behind the hunter in her typical slinking sort of gait. Her head remained low, her tail low and against her legs, posture uninviting. Her face was flat and inexpressive aside from her wide eyes that took everything in with a nervous sort of attention. She may have traveled in the company of her dependable brother and overprotective mother, but neither presence did anything to lift her from her cautious stance. It was almost out of habit that she stayed in it, and though she had no real reason to be nervous or portray those feelings she fell into the role anyway.

She recognized immediately the location her family had been headed toward, situated just outside of Olympus and possessing a unique appearance that was solely found here. Though nothing else about her seemed to react, her ears did perk and her eyes scanned the wide treeline of willows as they approached. She had been here before, without either her mother or her brother. She had been alone and wandering, one of her first curious adventures that she had dared go on all by herself. It was probably silly to think that the grey-eyed wolf she had met here would still be around - he had made it plain he was more of a wanderer anyway - but it did not stop her from scenting a bit at the air, finding nothing within the scents that lingered to hint that he had still been around recently.

Those that she could smell, however, she had to assume were the wolves that her mother intended for them to meet and live with. Their scents intermingled strongly, similar because of how much time was spent together, and they seemed to rest heavily within this location, creating something akin to a natural border for a pack without the official title. Which, if Ashtoreth's hints held any truth to them, was eventually going to be changing.

The grey hunter eventually stopped them there at the edge of the treeline and Vaishya watched the look of excitement that seemed to come across her mother quite suddenly now that they had arrived. Vaguely she could recall Valhalla as a whole, but her wanderings at that age had only ever been close to her family's den, never far enough away to make acquaintances with their packmates. But they were friends to her momma, so somehow she supposed they could be her friends too. Her blue and gold eyes blinked once as her mother addressed them, and at her request Vaishya glanced once at her brother. She did not know what he thought about the whole move her family was making again, but with the plans that had been tiptoeing through her mind recently she was eager to see her mother happy and settled down again somewhere safe and comfortable.

So she lent her voice to her mother's and called with her, quietly ending her own howl first and sitting herself down there to wait beside her family. It was almost as if they had been expecting company the wolves showed up so quickly. Vaishya's two-toned gaze alighted on the grey-colored woman first, noting immediately the friendly expression on her face as she came forward to greet Ashtoreth and then soon after noting the extra set of legs that appeared to be following after. Curious, the deep grey youth leaned a little to the side to peer at her only to watch as another pup ventured out into the open, much more boldly, and took a seat beside the woman who had come to welcome them. Were these family? She glanced briefly at her mother, questions right there on the tip of her tongue, but she held them back, letting the adults speak and keeping her own curiosities for later.