
The stronger survive



5 Years
Extra large
09-29-2014, 09:36 AM

The boy's eyes rolled skyward as his brother began to speak. It was starting to become clear that Orochi thought him weak. It would have been one thing to say he had his back, but that's not what his brother was saying. His brother was boldly and emphatically telling him that he was an inexperienced weakling that needed to be coddled. It was Laufey's turn to bristle. "You think I don't know that?" Not once in the whole of his existence had he ever thought that the world was all rainbows and sunshine. "I've gotten along just fine without you up until this point, Orochi, and if I passed you by today, I'd have continued being just fine. Don't preach at me like you know more than I do. You don't know where I've been. Perhaps we should have it out if you think I'm such a pansy." His gaze sharpened, locking on Orochi in anger.

He simmered, ears pinning as his eyes sought the horizon for a moment. A spring of words welled up inside him, threatening to burst forth and drown the two of them in venom. The young titan didn't want to wound their relationship, but Orochi's assertions were making that very difficult. Finally his eyes would move once more to his brother's face. "I do want to know about mother. You think I don't know that she was off? We slept on the skins of dead wolves as pups, Orochi. Don't treat me like I'm breakable, brother, when you know nothing of my time without you."

He paused, jaw working and gaze darting away as he stifled the flow of words, cutting them off before he said something he regretted. He locked eyes with his brother again. "Don't get me wrong, more than anything else, I want you to join me, but..." He shook his head for emphasis, eyes never leaving his brother's face, "You need to accept that we are equals, regardless of who is stronger." A fight would prove nothing, at least not to Laufey. Physical strength only got you so far. If physical prowess all Orochi was rating others on, then he was the Kigu that was lacking.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.