
you won't feel a thing !


05-19-2013, 04:18 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

With each bite, Liste savored the "gamey" flavor of the doe. What a delicious gift! She was so glad that he had thought of her, that he had worked so hard to bring something back to make her happy. She couldn't stop the grin that had spread across her maw. She was finally content.

Thank you so much, Angeal. It was delicious. He really didn't know how grateful she was. It hadn't been often that she had a decent meal in her life, usually surviving on the scraps left behind by others or small game. She never had the time to hunt down larger prey when she was on the run. I will take care of getting rid of it later on. She felt like she hadn't done enough to help him, to thank him for giving her shelter and food. There was no way she'd let him take care of the disposal too. And while she was out, she could figure out another way to repay him for his kindness.

She rose and followed him to the edge of the pool, stopping for a quick drink before settling close to him. Well, get on with it already! Her voice was teasing and she batted playfully at him with her paw, excited to hear this next tale. Liste was very attentive, listening closely and drinking in every word. Her imagination went wild, creating pictures of his words in her head. She wondered idly what life would be like if the peaceful Ancients were still around today. Would she have grown up in a happy, loving family? Would she be a coward? Would she have traveled, and ever met Angeal? Maybe things would have been better, but there was obviously a silver lining to the loss of such a wonderful race of wolves.

The myth was fascinating. It was more exciting by far than the story of the creation of the world, but she still held that one up highly as the first exciting story Angeal had told her. Wow... I guess the world must have been pretty amazing back then. Do you know what the Jenova looked like? She was curious about this creature from the moment he mentioned it. There weren't many creatures she knew of that could fight off a wolf, let alone an army of wolves. Part of her wanted him to take her wherever it was frozen to see it, but that was a little crazy.

Just so you know I still think the other story was interesting, but this one definitely came out on top. She smiled, her golden orbs focused carefully on his. She couldn't get enough of spending this time with him, being close and hearing stories. She never wanted it to end, and she hoped that he would feel the same but had no idea how to find out. She moved slightly closer to him, adjusting her position so that she wouldn't look too suspicious. Liste didn't want him getting freaked out thinking she was too forward and running away, especially with all of these questions about his story racing through her mind.

Tagged: Angeal | Word Count: 521