
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]


09-29-2014, 11:07 AM

He had heard the call same as the others. The call for hunt, aimed at the yearlings, and though Hypnos was not old enough to participate, nor was his leg strong enough to ensure safety while assisting in a hunt either. But... All the same Hypnos wished to show. He was surprised, honestly, that one of the Olympians had stood up for him. The brown furred boy with blue eyes. It honestly made Hypnos rethink what he had been thought, at least partially. His biological parents? He hated them, oh he truly hated them. Especially his dam. She spoke so foolishly. Had the gods wished their law to be fulfilled, did not believe he would live, he would not have survived. It was their will he still lived and breathed.

But... There were other members of Olympus still. Some that could perhaps be allies. He wanted to speak with them, and his mother once he got to know them. The feud that was there was in the past, a thing of the older generation. Hypnos was not one to damn those who had done nothing to him. But Heilos and Natalya?s actions... Had been unforgivable. His mother, Chryseis, was his true parent. His brother, Apollo, more his father than the true one. He would keep these things all in his mind as he arrived.

Some were there. The blind girl... The brown male. The odd red male. A golden girl. Then two of Yfir?s true members. Hypnos would head for the one who called, stepping on his leg fully with each step, and though it looked odd, and pained him, he would push through it. He was trying to work the leg as much as possible to build strength. It already looked a bit better -- still smaller and more fragile than the others but building muscle. No longer did he nearly stumble with each step, though he walked more stiffly and slowly then some. It was running at this point that he was greatest challenge.

He?d dip his head to the woman, giving a small smile. ?I know that I am not of use right now, but I wish to follow you all on this hunt, if I may.? Trying to keep up with them all when the hunt was underway would be his challenge. To keep working... Keep building strength. His sea-green eyes shown with determination, and he hoped that she would agree to allow him to follow the others. He could still learn, even if he wasn?t quite at the stage of being able to assist them.

Walk "Talk" Think