
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


10-03-2014, 12:22 AM

ooc;; so we know we'll be fighting, and it will be for multiple claims do you want to do it all in one fight or multiple fights, one fight each? I'll leave it up to you, you can choose the rounds as well <3

Instead of bristling in return, instead of making this a pissing contest between alpha?s he would simply fix Rune with a level look and stare. Acidic green gaze was unwavering, unblinking even as he regarded his grown son. It was only a short time in the rain before Rune would speak, again a single command would leave his lips. Rune wanted him to leave, did Kylar blame him? No. Not in the least. How could he when he had been the worst father to ever grace this earth? Since their mothers death he had avoided them like the plague, punishing them unknowingly for their mothers weakness and cowardice. He would almost speak before a white woman would appear, one vaguely familiar as the woman he had met at Mount Volkan, then disappear as she slipped into the den to attempt to comfort the children. For a moment his verdant gaze would follow her form into the shadows of the den that was now beginning to smell of death. The rain pounded down around them but he would not show any hint that it bothered him.

Kylar would remain standing, staring into the den for a moment before his son would speak. It was time to leave, goodbyes were said, that was all he got according to his son. ?I?m not here for you. I was here for her and she told me to take her sons. ? He would return his gaze to Rune, it was solid. There was no hint that he was joking or playing around here he was dead serious and he hoped that Rune would understand that. Though his stance would not move, would not assume anything threatening there was something about him that seemed off. Beneath his pelt muscles would ripple, prepared to fight if needed. He would not back down here, already his mind had settled on the matter. He paid little mind to what it would do to the children, how Cataleya would react or how it might affect his life. He had offered to take care of them and though she had neither agreed nor denied his claim to them he had the idea stuck in his mind now. He wasn?t going to left it go.

Again his gaze would turn to look into the den before switching back to Rune and taking a few steps back. Head would lower, ears pinning to his skull, eyes narrowing as lips curled back to gather excess flesh around his eyes. Head would lower slightly, chin tipping down as shoulders rolled forward and hackles rose. Back arched and his stomach tucked to gather his core strength. Stance would widen, hind paw slipping backwards, joints loosening as toes splayed and toes clenched the earth. Tail fling out behind him to align his spine and act as a rudder. ?I?ll be taking them with me after I bury my daughter. If you try to stop me I?ll make this personal?? He said, his voice was a low rumble that almost blended in with the storm. There was a cold resolve in his tone as he stared at Rune. He didn?t want to have to do this, didn?t want to have to fight Rune but he would not be banished from his daughter?s funeral.
