
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


09-29-2014, 10:08 PM

Weariness tugged at her mind. But a soft voice pulled her from the darkness. Eyes would flutter open, finding Armarant looking up at her. A faint smile would lift her lips as she embraced him. He would curl up beneath her chin and against her chest. She would lift her crown, placing a kiss on his head. Her brother would file in next, taking up the entrance of the den. Her name left his mouth and she would peer up at him. Her smile turned sad. There were no words that she could speak to make him understand. The familiar russet figure of Colten would shift her gaze. He would bury himself in her side, his face pressing against her neck.

A content sigh would heavy her quivering sides. "My boys." She would coo, her voice raspy. "Take care of each other, understand?" her gaze would flicker between the two of them. "You're father, his name is Maverick, should you ever meet him." Her crown would lower to rest across Armarants shoulders. "I love you both very much, and I will always be with you." Her tones dropped to a hoarse whispers. She press against Kylar, using the last of her strength to pull her boys in closer.

"I love you." She spoke to all over them. Her gaze rising to Runes before eyes slide closed. Her breathing would grow shallow, each breath becoming farther and farther apart. Her heart beat slowed and stuttered until it finally stopped. Her final breath would whoosh from her lungs, her body going limp, sagging against her father. Her spirit would separate from her body, looking briefly upon her grieving family before she followed her mother into the next world.

-exit via death-
