
How You Remind Me



05-17-2013, 10:37 AM

He chuckled at her first words. He truly did believe she had quite a tongue when in pain. He would take her seriously. He certainly wasn't going to quake in fear from her though. The man didn't fear much and he believed he could take whatever Loki had to offer. It was sort of a challenge almost. Her words were comforting though. It was almost a forced marriage, but at least he'd enjoy the rest of his days, especially since it was a wolf he could tolerate. He didn't love her, and probably never would, but he could stand to be around her and that was what mattered most.

"Ah love. I will take whatever curses that can come from you slippery tongue. I'm sure I've heard or seen worse in my life. As far as the rest of Tortuga us concerned they will get over it, else a hormonal mother comes after them."

He would throw a wink as she let go of his ear soothing it with a lick. He rose to his paws. He did have the rest of the season to get her pregnant and he was positive it would happen. He'd gotten Brina pregnant, this would be no different. He was older, but he was still in shape and could certainly produce spawn. He moved closer to her face pressing near her own as he almost whispered into her ear.

"Don't worry doll, I won't fail, and I'm quite sure you'll enjoy it as well."

Nose would then nudge her gently in a manner to get her to rise as he would attempt to begin their consummation, to finalize the deal they had made.

-fade to black?-

[ooc: I honestly suck at writing mating threads xD It's awkward for me, so I hope that will suffice :P]
