
Flirtin' With Disaster



7 Years
09-29-2014, 11:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could feel something off about the entire interaction, could sense a tension below the surface that refused to allow her to take everything at face value. Tahlia thought her husband and sons could feel it too, noting how none of them seemed to relax and all remained alert and waiting, as if something was going to happen and they each needed to be prepared for it. She disliked it very much, though not nearly so much as how her daughter appeared to hang back with a glace at her companion, almost as if to make sure things were alright by him. As her daughter came forward to her greet her, Tahlia watched her closely through her singular functioning gold eye, leaning into her daughter's nuzzle and catching a faint suggestion of what her husband was destined to pick up next. And just that whiff alone was enough to make her wonder.

Bane was much more quick to jump right to the worst case scenarios, his keen nose, his most reliable sense as of now, identifying what she had missed. Tahlia turned her head to stare at him as he more pointedly sought out the scent within her coat, her own frown deepening, and felt her blood run cold at the accusations he threw out. Violated? Was that why she had been so nervous, so anxious, about this meeting? Was that why she appeared so distressed now? Her concern quickly became worry as she looked again at her daughter, unable to believe that it might have been true. Could she truly have been forced, or even...sought this out herself?

The sound of her sons' growls seemed to fill the forested border, adding a new sense of dread that turned Tahlia's stomach dangerously. Whatever she had been anticipating to find by answering her daughter's summons it had surely not been this. With a nervous expression she stood back as Bane inspected their daughter again, and when he moved she stepped forward to do the same. "Oh, Anais," she breathed sadly, regrettably, pressing her nose against her daughter's neck to not only console her but to more closely inspect her scent as well, moving to sniff along her side as well. And just as her husband had already been able to deduce, whatever had happened between this male and her daughter had not gone as far as they had feared.

But surely it must have been no less traumatic. If Anais's confused, frightened expression was any indication, she knew her daughter was lost and desperately trying to keep up, practically shaking under the severity of the situation at hand. "My darling, my sweet girl. You'll be alright," she whispered, again for her alone, as she moved to stand parallel to her, offering support as well as protection. Did she even know why her parents acted in this way? Did she know the sort of dangers she had been in? Casting a glance at Lior, seeing the fear creeping up on her too, Tahlia hoped whatever confrontation had started would be over quickly and as mildly as possible. Turning her attention toward Pyrros, narrowing her gaze into a hardened frown, she added her firm, icy voice to Bane's and Destruction's. "You heard them. You are no longer welcome here. Leave, now."