
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


09-30-2014, 12:03 AM

She needed to see her boys, he would nod closing his eyes and sighing heavily into her neck as he tried to keep her warm, tried to keep her as grounded to this world as possible. He would wait with her for what felt like forever, she breathed their names and his ears pricked as he committed them to memory. He would wait with her for as long as was needed, he would wait until she passed. He would stay with her and be with her in the end just as he should have been with her mother at the end. Why did this keep happening? Was this secret's blood? Was it cursed? Was it his blood? Would this happen to Basanti too? Tears fell steadily down his face, matting and streaking his fur as he tuned into her breathing as much as possible. A black and white spotted boy would arrive shortly after, slithering into the den and looking at Kylar cautiously. Kylar would open his eyes slowly, a soft smile touching his lips in greeting to the boy but he didn't seem to notice, instead he would immediately slip into his mother's embrace. Kylar would not interrupt, simply remain with his neck draped over his daughter's shoulder. His massive form would threaten to envelop her completely. Another brown boy with stripes like his mother but spots like his brother would arrive and also press himself into his mother. He had robbed himself of this, he had robbed himself of being surrounded by loved ones when he died. He had messed up with his first litter, and now he was messing up with his current family.

Another scent would reach him and slowly his head would lift. Grey and black form slipped towards the den and then into it. Kylar felt the hatred radiating off him in waves but then Rune would sense the same thing Kylar had when he had entered. Suddenly all the focus would turn to Maia as her breathing became more laboured. He would curl himself tighter around her as if somehow he might be able to keep her close to him and keep her here. He would simply listen to her last words, listen to them as she spoke to her boys and then nestled close to him and pulled her sons close. Her last words were 'I love you.' and he would hold onto them even as her breathing became laboured until finally it would stop completely. "My dear sweet girl, my little princess? You deserved so much more." His words were soft, more for her then for anyone else. He would sigh, closing his eyes before lifting his head and looking down at the two boys still nestled into their mother. "I know you don't know me, but I am Kylar. Your mother's father. Her last request was that you come with me, I plan to follow those orders. Come, lets lay her body to rest?" He would say softly, his voice barely a sigh as he pressed his nose into his daughter's neck one last time before looking to the boys to see if they had any ideas as to where they wanted to bury their mother. Anywhere special? "Rune?" His voice was a soft rumble as he lifted his gaze to meet his sons gaze.