
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


09-30-2014, 12:41 AM

Amarant would feel as Colten come to join them in their mother's last words, but wouldn't turn his attention to him at all. "My boys" was enough for him to break; his eyelids clenched and when they opened tears flew from the sockets. He would gently nuzzle the bottom of her chin before her words grew limp and so did her body.

Her last words, I Love You.

Everything else she spoke was locked into his mind to be brought over later; To take care of each other, who their father was, that she would always be with them. It was all silence and feel, he knew she was speaking but refused to listen.

He realized that she had stopped breathing a little belatedly, and shot his head up in response. His ears were erect, but the emotion on his face was mortified. "No," He would almost whisper. "No!" He then shouted, echoing through the den.

He had not heard Kylar speak, by the time he finished Amarant was screaming, as if he were speaking to the man that claimed him as a grandson. He would drop his skull into the fur of her neck, rubbing through it coarsely before telling himself she really was dead. She was really gone.

He would not move from that position, his tiny belly pulsed ass he sobbed. They would have to pry him away for him to leave her.

Walk "Talk" Think