
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]



3 Years
09-30-2014, 04:09 PM

A gathering call rang through the chilly morning air, and Freyja found herself answering it eagerly. Things had settled somewhat in the days following Katja's challenge, and as such she had been starting to grow restless. The whole dynamic of wardens and prisoners, captors and captives was starting to wear thin. All the children had done was mope about, stick to themselves... Granted the golden femme was no social butterfly herself but honestly it was a bit much. A drag, even. Here she was though, loping through the fog and noticing the gathering just soon enough to slow her pace to a gentle trot. She walked into their midst with a chin held high and... well, with a bit of a swagger. She was ready for whatever the ashen woman standing at the head of it all had in store. Freyja had seen her at the challenge but hadn't spoken to her then or since. She was no Olympian, that much was obvious. Laufey, who had joined as she did, stood at the woman's side and she heard him greet her. Daegmar? Ah, the woman he'd mentioned to Katja. It made sense now, he must be her little protege. How sweet. The goddess found herself commending the woman, and hoping she had enough of a warriors spirit to mold the bulky youth into something useful.

Freyja turned her piercing eyes on the others among them, the captives, even if Katja said they were to be treated as well as any. They seemed meek, frightened, and huddled together like baby chicks. Freyja would raise a brow at them, caught between introducing herself and howling 'Boo!' In the end, she looked back to whom she could only assume would be leading them. "Well met," she began, her tone polite yet bearing a hard edge. "I am Freyja Hroovitnisdottir. I can assume we'll be following your lead?" It rankled her a bit, sure. She had been on her own for so long, blissfully devoid of another's instruction, that this whole business of leader and follower still sat oddly on her shoulders. To distract herself, she turned to Laufey. "Hello again, Laufey. Are you settling in well?" Polite, perfectly conversational. Nothing over the top just.. hello. She could manage that without starting something, right?

"Talk" "You" Think