
Anybody out there


05-17-2013, 10:57 AM

It was now time to mask that demon that laid at my very core. To push him to the side and bury him beneath the ground. After all, it wouldn't be very fun to scare the poor little beauty away. And so for now, hidden he must stay. That crooked sneer slowly faded from my lips as I continued to watch her rather desireable form. That white pelt so vibrant it stood out amongst the dark shadows, like the rays of sun at the crack of dawn. However, the only difference was, this fae before me she did not act like the others I had come across. Her frail figure did not tremble within my cascading shadows.. Her eyes did not shine with a pleading shimmer. Nor did they widen, stricken with fear.. No she was different. Instead, it was almost as if she were the demoness of seduction beckoning for me to have a go. Pleading for me to entertain her, to amuse her. And of course I would be the last to turn down such an oppurtunity.

Her words carassed my ears. Each one dripping with a sensual venom. And I couldn't help but let lose a deep chuckle of my own. Her europian tongue having just added onto my own little fantasies. I was of a Russian decent. I did not possess a sexy twang to my words. Instead they came out rough and rugged. Even the sweetest words could sound cruel as can be. Each r pronounced with a thick roll.

Well now, when a seductress as such as yourself is gracing ones presence. It would be a bit hard to choke up some words, now wouldn't it dear?"

Words boomed through my mouth like thunder rumbling through the stormy skies, just before the lightning would strike. That lightning shone deep within my own green pools. My own thick canvas now closing in the spaces between us. Large cranium sent to lower a bit so my nose would graze just barely over her neck. Inhaling deeply her sweet, taunting perfume that caused my bosy to ache once more. Whispers now left my mouth so only she could here.

" Now tell me my dear, what brings you way out here?"