
Thrown Back and Forth



8 Years
Extra large
09-30-2014, 06:04 PM

?Very true.? The man chuckled at Destruction talking about how older wolves like themselves needed to have some fun once in a while too, indeed, the kids and young wolves could share their energetic moods. The amusing atmosphere that had settled around the two would seem to fade away, being replaced with yet again what felt like pain and sadness. Deviant's golden eyes looked to Destruction with concern, wondering what could be bothering her now. Was it the mention of their old age, was she beginning to feel the numbness or depression that came with knowing your life would come to an end sooner than you would like.

Ears perked up, keeping himself from taking a bite from the carcass beside him so that he could give the woman his full and undivided attention. She spoke of a son, using past tense when wondering if he would have enjoyed it in the Seracian lands. Was she also separated from him like Deviant and his family? As she continued on to talk about how good places like that were good for kids, the man came to realize that her son must no longer be walking the earth as a live wolf. He would lift his head, jaws ajar to say something about the boy but Destruction would go on to answer his question about the lands they lived in, what they were like.

She mentioned The Range, and a look of confusion would spread across his face momentarily. He had never heard of such a place while he was in these lands, was it kind of tucked away behind a forest or hidden in a bay? The man gave a small shake of his head to clear his thoughts, eyes blinking a few times as he refocused on the woman. She talked about strange structures within The Range, made of wood and metal as well as different prey that wasn't usually found in the lands. Fully grabbing his interest the man would scoot over a bit, wanting to hear about these new creatures he had never heard of or come across before. Chickens, their eggs were good. Quiet area, held many memories or turning points in her life, peculiar but in a good way. Destruction also knew the lay of the land like the back of her hand, since she was an Alphess there.

"I'm gonna have to come down there soon and see this, peculiar land my ex-alphess friend had ruled over then." Deviant grinned with a wink, tail lightly wagging behind him, skimming over the ground rather than thumping. With that the man would lift himself up with a grunt, giving a small shake of his body before turning his attention on the woman once again. "It's getting late, would you be alright with sharing a den for the night?" He didn't want to come off as creepy, looking to den up with a woman since he didn't get any action in awhile now. He was simply being a gentleman. "I'd hate to go our separate ways and then something happen to you for being alone at night." The man would feel horrible if something like that had happened to her.

Awesome table by Requiem <3