
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


09-30-2014, 06:05 PM

She was gone and he felt absolutely nothing, he felt a chilling numbness close in around him as he forced himself to try and hold himself better then he had last time he had buried a loved one. But still he could feel himself shaking, trembling with barely controlled rage. Why did they have to keep leaving? His verdant gaze was hard, intense as he stared at his remaining son, barely blinking as he lay their still curled around his daughter?s lifeless daughter. Someone would pay for this, just as that fucking family would pay for his son?s death. He would burn this whole god damn world down if that?s what it took for Rune to be safe, for his Maia and Rune?s kids to be safe. Odd how Basanti barely crossed his mind, but he strongly believed her to be like her mother, capable of taking care of herself. Though he still planned to be there for her every step of the way for as long as he could from now until he drew his last breath he didn?t feel she was as frail as the children he had fathered with Secret. They took too much after their mother?

He was expressionless, gaze hard and unwavering as he watched Rune lean into the wall and stare at Maia?s limp form. One of Maia?s boys would begin shrieking but Kylar would not move, keeping his daughter?s form pressed into his body. It was half in a fool hearted attempt to make up for all those times he had never been there for her and half because he knew that she had to stay folded in a compact position if they wanted to be able to get her out of the den once rigor mortis set in. But Rune had other ideas besides burying his sister and honestly Kylar was in no mood to discuss anything. Another tremor would wrack his massive form, tension rolling off him in waves. Even as Rune spoke he would finally allow himself to tear his eyes from his son and travel down to his daughter?s still form. Her two boys were still pressed into her. Had they heard him? It didn?t matter now, he would deal with it later.

?Leave them be.? It was an order, a demand and instantly Kylar?s emotions would solidify and drop away from his consciousness. Suddenly his son was no longer his son anymore but the alpha in a pack lands where he had trespassed. Vi had been maimed for that. Despite his sudden change of heart the massive male would lift himself, pausing for a moment to place an oddly tender kiss on the top of Maia?s head and then a soft nudge to each child before stepping over them all in a long stride. His head was lowered, hackles raised and ears pinned. There was an odd mix of respect and caution in his stance as he walked into the storm after Rune. Massive paws would press into the mud with an odd squelching sound. Rune had grown so much, was a father and alpha now but as he always had Kylar would overshadow the grey and black boy. His verdant gaze would narrow, unspeaking as he watched Rune. Obviously he had something to say, Kylar would let him speak.