
Destiny (Secretua Only)

Eirik I


3 Years
09-30-2014, 08:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Still breathing heavily, Eirik turned his head to glance at Amar beside him as the boy did the same, offering a smile in answer to the rather blank look his cousin gave him. Jeez, Amar did not look too good. No smile, no eye contact. He looked practically lethargic now that Eirik was close enough to discern it. It was enough to wipe the smile off the pale grey youth's face and replace it with something more like worry. What had happened to the crazy, energetic, reckless kid who he had once had trouble keeping up with that he had met back in Covari?

He seemed to try to answer but gave up after a feeble attempt, changing the subject instead with a random question that he assumed was meant as a means to bring about more humor. He played along, groaning at the thought of putting his poor body through any more running than he already had. "No way!" he answered emphatically, "I should roll over on you for even saying that." Of course, he had no intention to, and from the look on Amar's face he was sure it would have done nothing to help the situation any.

For a moment, he merely looked at his cousin, still unable to determine on his own what might have been wrong. With a tilt of his head, he addressed the spotted boy again. "You're sure looking..." - how did he want to say it? - " a rock today. Not into moving around anymore?" Sure, that would work.