
Daddy, do you love me?


09-30-2014, 11:27 PM

He had always loves thunderstorms, he could still remember sneaking out with Vi when they were kids and water would start leaking into their cave to watch the thunder and lightning show. It had always mad whim feel like he was part of something bigger, made him feel more connected. She would speak again, replying to his question with a tone equally as light, jovial even and a light laugh would roll up his throat. And then he would unload everything on her, at least everything about his most current past and his children. Luckily, it seems, the gods would smile on him and she would smile as he promised to be there more for her. She would lean into him as she considered his words, then asked if she would ever meet them. He dropped his heavy head on top of her's, chin resting on the top of her head as he 'hmm'd' softly and considered her question. "I have not been a father to them in quite some time, my son being a father himself actually so I hear. His name is Rune, her's is Maia. Maybe one day we can all be a family again?" He mused softly, a soft smile touching his lips as he considered this before lifting his head and looking out to the rain. "I grew up with eleven siblings you know? I think a great many of them are still lingering in these lands. We all seemed to gather here after our home flooded. Maybe its time for you to get to know your family after all?" He said with a smile. Somehow meeting his long lost siblings and convincing them that he was their brother and that their mother had locked him and Vi in a cave for the first bit of their life was far less daunting then maybe reuniting with his children.