
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38

Rune I


5 Years
10-01-2014, 12:00 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The grey and black male stood staring off into the heavily forested Gulley, forcing another calm and steadying breath, and wished desperately that he did not have to turn around. He knew - or at least hoped - Kylar would have had the right sense to listen to the direction given to him regardless of him being part of a different pack, obligated to submit to another. But Rune had absolutely no desire to speak to his father before his nephews, not with knowing the emotions that were currently threatening to boil in him again. This was not the time and place for it; the kids needed everything to be as steady and comforting for them as they could possibly be. He would not have been able to forgive himself for succumbing to selfish desires in their time of need.

At last turning in place, Rune was relieved to note that his father had stepped from the den and had followed him, though the look about him was hardly encouraging. Bristling in answer to Kylar's own unease, the blue-eyed wolf regarded the elder male through a narrowed stare, unable to stop himself from tensing as he stood firmly in place. Words, so much that he wished to say, so much that he wanted to keep bottled in, just about clouded out his senses, turning him mute and preventing him for a moment from recalling what exactly in particular it was he had asked the man to come out here and listen to. He was afraid if he chose the wrong thing he would end up screaming and raving just as his distraught nephew had done.

But thinking of them, of Amarant and Colten, of their loss, seemed to help ground him and create a clear path toward what it was he needed to say, the most important thing to honor the somber place beside their mother's den. "You need to leave," he remarked heavily, his low voice still not entirely steady, wishing so desperately he was not in this situation. It was difficult simply standing across from the man let alone telling him - in much more polite terms than he deserved - to get the hell out. As if seeking a distraction, Rune glanced once at the den just in time to see his petite mate slip inside and, knowing her kindhearted tendencies, called out, "Alamea, don't-" Too late he heard the screams of Amarant yell spitefully for all of them to hear, and his heart went out to the boy. He knew exactly how he felt.

Before Kylar could offer any sort of rebuttal, before he could try turning the conversation with whatever hair-brained excuse he had made up to warrant his presence here, Rune pressed on swiftly, doing his best not to raise his voice and let the others know of the tense conversation just outside of the den. "You got to say your goodbyes, that's it, you're done." And, as far as Rune was concerned, it was all much more than the absentee father deserved. Whatever kind welcome Kylar had received from his daughter was gone now. His welcome in Secretua had been worn out.