
Take me until the sun comes up


10-01-2014, 12:04 AM

Funny how she thought she could get rid of him when in all honesty it was him who had decided to latch himself to her, it was he who had stalked her relentlessly for the first few months of their relationship. He had put the effort into it all, he had burrowed under her skin like a tick and he would be damned if she tried to shake him now. No, he didn?t plan to leave unless he wanted to leave. She would no be rid of him until he was done with her, and he wasn?t even close to being done. Soe when she smiled and accepted his offer he could only smirk, goading her on as she settled into her defenses easily and prepared herself to attack. When she did she moved quickly, striking like a snake but he was ready for her, they had fought far too many times.

But for possibly the first time in their relationship he didn?t take this as a game, he didn?t laugh and flee from her or make her chase him. No he was ready for her this time. His heart beat was quickening, pumping adrenaline thickly through his veins as he leaned back slightly to brace himself for impact. Her shoulder hit his heavily, teeth immediately finding their mark on his upper neck though they really only grabbed loose skin and fur. Immediately he would shove himself forward, forcing his neck into her throat in an attempt to make her choke on his fur. Neck would crane and twist, attempting to grab the back of her own neck just above her shoulders.

Immediately his right paw would come up, attempting to throw it over her shoulders so he could use his heavier weight to try and pull her towards him. Pull her into him. She wanted to be reminded why she kept him around? He was more then happy to oblige. Should she keep her grip at this angle she would end up with a sore neck or an uncomfortable angle for them both. But still he would attempt to slide his right leg over her back so he could wrap his forelimbs first around her shoulders and then slide to her waist. She wanted him to make her remember? He would make sure she never forgot?

-fade to black?-