
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 02:09 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

user posted image

The wind felt wonderful as it swept by, brushing her coat against her slender form. Her paws rustled the forest underbrush with her everystep, making her presence known if her scent was not a dead give away first. Yet, she was not at all concerned about who knew if she was there or not. She could tell by the scents that it was not pack territory, nor was she concerned about finding prey. Her stomach had been recently filled, leaving her with a plesent feeling. However, she suddenly picked up on one of the near by wolf scents that was gradually growing stronger. Her tail gave a slight flick of interest as she realized this wolf must be getting closer. He must be aware that she was there and he was willingly approaching her. She was now curious as to what he wanted. She did not stop moving along though, she kept pressing onward, her paws carelessly stepping on twigs and underbreath beneath her.

It was not until he walked out into the open, in clear sight that she finally stopped. She was never sure where he was exactly, but she had a general idea based upon his scent. When he walked out into the open she halted dead in her tracks. Her body stood up straight with her head held high and her tail slightly elevated in only a moderately defensive stance. Her ears were perked forward in his direction, and her fur did not even bristle in the slightest. She appeared highly alert, but not at all worried. The small smile that was once on her muzzle grew a bit more with a devious glint in her pale amber eyes that in the shadows appeared colorless. Her body was a little on the stiff side, until the male's voice entered the air. Her ears flickered picking up his accent as well as a sort of arrogance to him. She snorted softly, too softly to be heard and flickered her tail in annoyance. Her muzzle slightly turned away from him, but her eyes were fixed upon him, so curious.

"Nothing really," she began, her voice was light with an upbeat ring to it. "I wandered around and ended up where ever my paws happen to take me. I suppose they seek some adventure." It was true that she was alone. She had been alone for the past year, only occassionally running into other wolves, but her encounters usually did not last very long. The year before she became a rogue she was a part of a pack, a pack which disaster had fallen and she had almost forgotten. Indeed, she perferred it this way and typically her encounters with other wolves were rather eventful, while some were hostile and ended up in a quarrel until they parted ways. In the end she travelled alone where ever her paws took her. This time, it was these far away lands that she had never even heard of before.