
I Would Walk 500 Miles



10 Years
10-01-2014, 08:45 AM

Her touch would not soothe the other girl as Novel had intended, the worry was obvious in her posture as her tail curled tightly around her haunches. Novel would nose her again, stifling a worried whine from leaving her lips. Ara would begin slowly, pulling away from Novel?s side uncertainly. She?d offer an encouraging glance as Ara tried to form her words. This information she had to tell her was obviously not so easy to admit. Did Ara have to leave her? Would she admit now that she would not be able to continue the friendship they?d forged so tightly? Novel was unsure that she?d be able to get by if Ara left her, physically and mentally. If she left she?d be destroyed.
Then she uttered eight small words that seemed very much obscured and obvious at the same time. Love. That?s what they held between them, and Novel had not even noticed before that very moment. She knew how much she cared for the other wolf, knew that she?d have never gotten through the attack and pregnancy without her. Now a whine would filter through her lips, one of comfort and of acceptance. Love. Everything seemed to make more sense with those simple words.
She was sure that such an idea would have never found its way to her mind until Ara found the courage to confess such feelings. She?d never encountered a mated pair of female wolves before, but even if that was not the norm she could hardly imagine being with another wolf. Ara was her best friend, she?d been there through almost every trial in Novel?s life. Who else could have made a better partner to travel through life with? Still she was incredibly uncertain about what to say, or how to accept such feelings. Instead of verbalising how she felt a soft smile would fill her features and she would reach out to nuzzle the other girl. ?I know I?m in love with you, Ara,? She?d whisper as she pressed herself under her chin, the ease of affection seeming to finally make sense. ?I couldn?t make it in this world with out you.? Her words were a soft whisper, but the weight of them would be massive. She didn?t have to think about it long, she wanted Ara and no one else.

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