
Hard Habits to Break



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-01-2014, 03:45 PM

Paws would continue to pull her forward as Albion took a chance to respond, he?d take the chance to once more tell her of his home land. She found it interesting to listen to him, as she?d not had much exposure to culture back in Ahlon. There were the Destruction wolves and now many visitors would come to call. Though her parents had tried to teach her as much as they could she still knew very little of life outside her own pack. Nobles and those of higher rank were not so much of a huge part of Ahlon life. She felt rather equal to most of her pack mates, she had no superiority complex to speak of. She?d catch his words of approval, she would easily fill either knight rank within his old home. A smile would appear on her features as he mentioned such things. In reality Rhythm felt as though she had accomplished little in her life and the confidence of ever being something great was rather minimal.
She?d ask her own question of him, curious about the skills that he boasted. He?d practically describe herself perfectly. Yes her parents had trained her well, but when it came to an expertise she was at a loss. She?d join in his small laugh, though it wasn?t directed at him it was more in agreement of herself. ?You sound a lot like me.? The comment was rather quiet and almost said to herself. ?My brother and sister rule the pack, and they?re amazing. But here I am, barely able to survive on my own.? She?d admit her folly rather easily after he?d opened up to her. ?Were you a knight Albion?? She?d ask as her bright eyes brought themselves back up to his own gaze, curiosity evident. Had he reached a rank of note?
