
Alive N� Out Of Control


10-01-2014, 04:50 PM

Ooc:: We are welcome to spar, for characters to deem IC worthiness if desired. :3
He had no regrets.

Kau had murdered his brother. Maimed a young woman, raped her... And still felt no remorse for such actions. No, in fact, the darker things he had been doing made him feel more alive. Made him realize that having strength, ensuring that the strong lived, was the only thing that mattered right now. He would carve out his own destiny and write his name in the stars, a god in his own right. Yes... The Kedieo line would rise again. But he could not do it alone, no. To create an empire one needed a body of able wolves. Male... Female... It mattered not. If they could take care of business and were not afraid to do what was needed that was all that mattered.

His mind would turn to the packs he had heard of. Perhaps, Kau thought, he would pay a visit to one of those lovely packs. Yes... He had his plan forming within. What better way to create allies and loyalty then by showing he could prove it himself? It was a plan that would work, but he would need to be patient. But Kau could wait. Oh yes... He just had to bide his time. In the meantime, well, he could find those who would best serve his needs. Those who joined him early on... Would find themselves rewarded. Those who stood against them? They would fall.