
Change The Formality


10-01-2014, 05:19 PM

Those words, quiet as they were, did contain pain. But Kau cared not. He had no reason to care for his father, a man who had never been in his life. He would lick the blood from his muzzle, stepping over the corpse as he started to close the distance between himself and Allen. His body was that of eerie calm, his good eye gleaming with a sickness, a madness, that lived within his blood. Some called it a curse of the Kedieo line, something prone to infect one of each litter it seemed... At least for those descended from the Blood Empress herself. But whether madness, or purely corruption and damage that had Kau act this way was unknown. It could be either or... Or... Even both.

?Here?s a better question... Allen.? Yes... He knew his father?s name. At least he did thanks to Gavroche... Before he ended him. He would stop, lifting his head and tail high in an act of superiority. ?Why did you mate my mother just to leave her? You?re old enough to have know what would have happened.? He narrowed his eye. ? because you?re not the saint Gavroche believes you to be, that?s way.? His words would come out, spat at the older male, before Gavroche would have a change to utter a single syllable.