
Change The Formality


10-01-2014, 05:20 PM

His son would not answer his question, instead approaching, turning the dark spotlight upon him. The massive male knew his name, which Allen could only assume was because the male had gotten it from his brother. Gavroche had not know his name before meeting him. But names... They didn?t matter. Not right now. The calico would flick his ears closer to his skull as the accusations were thrown in his face. How his heart hurt, and how it ached, but... He would not bend and shatter before this other male. There was a time for grief... But with danger looming so near this was not the time for it.

?For starters your mother had not been in season. I was a younger man, and I am not flawless. I thought because Keno was not in heat that she would not conceive. Had I known she would I would not have left her.? Allen kept his words level, defending his actions. The calico would shift back some, some defenses, protecting his ears, eyes, and lowering his head some to protect his throat falling into place automatically. He did not trust his son not to attack him. He had already killed Gavroche... What would keep him from trying the same with him?
