
Change The Formality


10-01-2014, 05:22 PM

Still his masked son would speak, pressing at him as if he was the one in the complete wrong. The calico would grit his teeth some. Threats inside accusations, and all simply to drag down his spirit. What was the massive male hoping to achieve? What did he hope to gain by doing this, as he did? The calico eyed Kau quietly, resisting the urge to ask Kau what made him feel he was so pure and above everything? Allen would give a low growl, his hackles raising some.

?...and what makes you feel your actions are better than mine? That you walk a more pure path? You brother?s blood is upon you! Yet you toss these accusations at me as if I am the only one in the wrong. Yes, I made a mistake. I said before that I am not a flawless man. But I do own up to my mistakes and try and fix them if I can. What is done is done -- I could not go back in time to be with you all as you grew, or to save your mother from her demise. But what gives you the right to take away such a kind spirit from this world? Who made you a decider of who is right and wrong, who lives and dies??

Something far more rare had shown itself in Allen now. Anger. His words were still spoken in a level way, but a bit faster, a bit sharper and more direct than his usual manner of speaking.
