
Change The Formality


10-01-2014, 05:23 PM

He was insane. Make his mark upon the world? Who would dare follow such an insane man? The way he spoke sounded as if he was already stirring trouble in Alacritia, working on such small things at the moment... But slowly building his plans. He would allow him to live too... To see him rise and become a god. Allen would scoff. Who would covet this madman? If anything they would put his son to death for his corrupt ideals. Good would take care of evil in the end -- it always did. Allen could feel his emotions stirring, his mind trying to decide.

...Should he be the one to try and put and end to this, here and now? His son was blind on one side -- he could trick him perhaps. Outmaneuver and outsmart him, taking his life to save other innocent ones. But... Could he really? Allen was no murderer. Fighting, serious fighting, had never been a factor in his life. He was a gentleman, a kind soul, who did not care for such actions if they could be helped instead. Life was a precious thing. What could he do? Did he go against all he stood for, and attack his own son?

Allen would lift his head slightly. ?You will not succeed.? His words had lowered in tone again, spoken in an angry calm. ?Your thoughts are of madness. No wolf would covet you as a god... Especially wasting innocent lives as you do. Your actions will attract those of righteous hearts, and you will be destroyed before you have the chance to build this so called empire. It would be damned from the start.?
