
Down By the Riverbend



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2014, 07:11 PM

It would take little time for them to gather, three wolves coming at his call obediently. Of course he posed them no threat, he held no ill will towards those he shared the range with. Though he had every intention of driving him from the lands should they decide to keep themselves from his cause. The first she wolf seemed regal, honorable even, as she brought her words coolly to his ears. He?d smirk unashamedly, but before he could answer two more wolves would join her, neither looking much happier to see him than she. He would offer them his best behavior, giving each a respectful nod as they brought themselves to the woman?s side. They would ask why it was they?d been called, as curiosity must have been boiling beneath their breasts. "Greetings, fellow dwellers of the range. Indeed I do have words for your ears."Though they all seemed on edge because of him he would keep his cool head and easy demeanor, his expression neutral if not darkly friendly. "I come to introduce myself, Scorpion Destruction, son of Adrenaline and future ruler of these lands." His words came easily, like he?d rehearsed the whole meeting. "I wish to tell you of my plans before they are carried out, to give you time to adjust should you have need of it. I intend to take this land, as well as the orchard near by as my pack?s home land. This was where my pups were birthed and where i intend to stay. I?ve come to ask for you to either join me in my future endeavors, or be on your way once i have staked my claim." He would have never meant this meeting to become some violent brawl, all he wished was to be a honorable neighbor and give them ample time to think about their decisions.
