
Nobody Knows Where They Might End Up..Nobody Knows


10-01-2014, 07:43 PM

His appearance was something she did not expect to happen. Dreams of him showing up out of the blue had only been just that: dreams. She was more than surprised and happy to see the red-furred man make his entrance upon the land she had chosen for a secret getaway. Her eyes widened in surprise and her nose took in his rich scent at the same time. She could feel her brain work in overtime as a soft humming began to spread from her chest to the rest of her body. Damn, he was too fine to not be missed!
A soft smile slowly appeared on her face, making her delicate lips sparkle in the sunlight. She then let a yawn escape, followed by a soft sigh that would make her whole coat rise and fall in a wave. "Viviek." His name was said on a tender note, carried by the wind and away from her slender form upon the rock. Turquoise blue eyes shimmered as they met the dark red form that sat next to her perch. "You are definitely right, my dear."
The rock's surface had enough room left on it for another wolf to leap and rest on. Due to Pandora's outstretched frame, however, the space looked as if it was limited. She looked down at him with an eager gaze, hoping that he wouldn't disappear and that he wasn't a figment of her imagination. "Please tell me I am not dreaming..." she whispered. If he only sat there like a statue, she would get mad. She needed the actual, physical proof that he was living and breathing to the world and not just her thoughts.