
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 12:29 PM
... Until somebody gets chewed.

user posted image

Her paws carried her to lands which she had never seen before. Her light, amber eyes danced through the sparse evergreen forest, as green and lush as even despite being autumn. Yet, the chilled breeze that rustled the tree branches and her sleek, ivory fur told her that winter was approaching. The cold air felt good blowing through her fur and brushing against her pale skin. The tiny wolf trotted through the forest, her muzzle tilted upward to the endless sky, breathing in all the scents that lingered around her. She did not smell the slightest trace of prey, but the scent of other wolves in the area caught her attention. She drew in a deep breath that completely filled her lungs before rushing out in a heavy sigh. She wondered what these lands would be like. Would they be boring, or exciting? Would the wolves that dwelled here be facinating, daring, and entertaining or dull and gloomy? She sought out adventure at every turn she took, her step was lively and her head was thrown back with confidence even if she was not as confident as she appeared. Cocky would be a better word for it. Her ears swiveled around her, listening for others, but the only thing she heard was the rustling of tree branches and pinestraw that was stirred up by the wind.

She had travelled far from her home lands, where she had been a loner for the past year. She had a lot of excitement and learned much through her journies, but she came in search of something more. She still felt an empty void which she could not fill. She was not sure what she was missing, and at the mere thought of it, her mind quickly returned to the day when her brother killed the rest of their siblings in a fit of rage. Perhaps that is what she was missing. Companionship. She had not been friends or had any sort of bond with another wolf or any being for that matter since. Yet, the thought of companionship made her almost chuckle. The idea of it was almost revolting to her now, at least in a sense. She knew she craved another wolf's presence, but not in the same way a pack member wanted to be with another pack member. Perhaps it was instict, or simply a longing for her siblings which still never left her mind.

Pushing such thoughts away, she pranced about through the forest keeping a steady pace, her tail swaying behind her slender form. She was prancing around to no place in particular. She was simply venturing around these new lands to see what they had to offer, what packs had made their homes here, what loners and rogues lurked in the shadows, and how much prey the lands had to offer. She could not even remember what compelled her to leave the lands which she hailed from other than the search for something new. Her mind began to race, longing for something new and thrilling. A small smile appeared upon her muzzle as she allowed her mind to wander. What could this mischievious wolf get herself into this time?